Saturday, September 21, 2013


The Mystic Yoga Shala is happy to announce that all proceeds from yoga classes on Saturday  including the 8am, 10am and 12pm class will go to the soon to be non-profit Boulder Flood Relief organization. Dechen is in communication with them and discovered that they are in the process of receiving expedited nonprofit status. Check out their website here:

Checks can be make out to  "Flood Relief" and the shala  will deliver these checks as soon as possible. As many of you know, the Baptiste Afiiliate  and Certified Teachers Summit that Dechen, James and Elizabeth were attending was cancelled this week due to the extreme flooding in Estes Park, Colorado. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people in Colorado. May they be free from harm, may they be healthy and happy!  Lets contribute on Saturday September 21 International Peace Day.